Earth ​Medicina

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Earth Medicina is an intricate way ​of life, rooted in the ancient ​wisdom of the Earth, It unfolds as a ​profound journey, reverently ​recognizing the role of humans as ​the bridge between the celestial and ​the natural, Delving into the cosmic ​dance of shamanic cosmology. ​Within this cosmic tapestry, we ​embark on the sacred task of ​creating personalized maps and ​journeys and ceremonies that ​navigate the vast landscape of our ​consciousness.

The Earth Medicina Apprenticeship emerges as a sacred tool, a compass ​guiding you to reawaken the dormant ability to craft individual maps and ​sacred rituals. It serves as a conduit, attuning you to your inner wisdom ​through the gentle whispers of your guides. Throughout this ​apprenticeship, you gain insights into the intricate movement of universal ​life force within, and without, cultivating a profound understanding of ​how to exist in harmonious relationship with self, Nature, and the cosmos. ​In the modern world, it becomes a sacred practice—a living embodiment ​of what it means to be in right relationship with all of life.

As these transformative journeys unfold, revealing the deeper facets of self, ​a rich tapestry of remembrance is woven. Within this remembrance, we ​become conduits of life force energy, reflecting this vibrant vitality into the ​world.

Through participation in a harmonic dance with all of life, Earth Medicina ​becomes a living testament to the interconnectedness that binds us to the ​celestial, the natural, and the cosmic realms. It beckons us to walk the path ​of wisdom, embodying the essence of our celestial and earthly nature, and ​radiating this sacred essence into the tapestry of existence.

Earth Medicina Apprenticeship

  • We begin twice a year, on the Solstices.
  • Join our Summer Solstice Opening Ceremony on June 20th, 2024.
  • Our 2-hour weekly virtual training includes optional in-person sessions ​with Erika in CA or Chiara on Big Island.
  • Live attendance required for 90% of the course. We’re a circle of healers ​fostering safety and integrity together.
  • Complete 3 monthly non-contact hours of assigned soul/ritual work. ​Enjoy a 90-minute private session with Erika or Chiara as a gift.

Only a few spaces available as we like to keep the container small for ​personalized attention. Interview with Chiara and Erika via Zoom.

Chiara and Erika, invite you on a transformative journey.

Weaving together from their homes on Big Island and in ​California.

Their collaboration seamlessly transitions into the virtual ​realm. With paths of healing spanning over two decades each. ​Chiara and Erika share their wealth of wisdom, integration, ​and practical experience. As stewards of Earth Medicina, their ​combined essence is an invitation to traverse the depths of ​self-discovery.

Welcome to the Earth ​Medicina Apprenticeship, ​where ancient wisdom meets ​modern embodiment under ​the guidance of these ​devoted facilitators.

investment $4444,

payment plans available

Erika Lee

Yoga therapist (C-IAYT), Medecine woman,

Yoga teacher trainer (E-500 RYT), Reiki Master (RMT), Shamanic practitioner

Erika Lee was born in the beautiful state of Colorado. As a child you could find her running through the land behind ​her childhood home. Connecting with the flowers, plants, and spirits of the land. Growing up in a military home gave ​her the opportunity to live overseas twice and experience many cultures and connections.

There were also many isolating and dark times, where her only comfort came from nature and animals.

She humbly bows to the many lessons that the natural world has shared with her, and is happiest somewhere in ​roaming in the forest and mountains.

Erika began her journey as a Yogini and energy worker over twenty years ago. Today she blends her work as a Yoga ​Therapist, Reiki Master and Shamanic practitioner. Weaving these practices together, to create a supportive web for ​her clients and teachers in training. She empowers others to find and receive what they need to remember their innate ​wholeness.

Erika has been a devoted student of the Shamanic teachings in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, also known as cross ​cultural Shamanism. Her work with the Shipibo lineage of South American Shamanism has been integral to her own ​healing journey. Erika's deepest passion is to support the earth and all sentient beings.

She is a powerful space holder filled with compassion, love, and a quirky sense of humor.

Chiara Stella

Chiara, meaning clear star. is a Yoga Teacher Trainer (E-500RYT), Shamanic practitioner, and ceremonialist.

Emerged from the ancient landscapes of Italy and the mystical realms of France. Raised amid the bohemian echoes of ​her musical parents, she found her sanctuary in the arts, philosophy, and the sacred from a tender age.

Her initiatory journey into the depths of spirit and inner worlds began in youth, shaping a profound connection. A ​voyage to the US introduced her to the enchantment of yoga in Hawaii, where a mentor steeped in classical Hatha ways ​and familiar philosophies guided her.

Venturing further, Chiara delved into the realms of Yoga, Pranayama, Western and Vedic Astrology, Metaphysics, ​Ritual arts, Shamanism, Ayurveda, Sound healing, The Dao, Numerology, Depth Hypnotherapy, and Feng Shui. Her ​teaching style, intuitive and heartfelt, is a loving prayer—a ritual to plunge into the body and awaken inner wisdom. ​She guides souls on a journey of self-discovery, connecting spirits through tranquil, mindful rituals, embodiment ​practices, retreats and one on one sessions. In her offerings, Chiara weaves the guidance of seasons, elements, stars, ​moon, and sun. Mindful breathing, heart connection, and personalized alignment form the foundation, while the ​perpetual learning process infuses her teachings with fresh insight. Ceremonies, teacher trainings, and mentorship ​programs are part of her enigmatic path at

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